Home Learning

Research has established that Homework or Home Learning has a positive effect on learning and pupils’ progress, particularly at secondary school.

What is Homework?

This is the work your child does away from their teachers and the classroom.

It is crucial for developing their ability to work independently, to consolidate what they have learnt in class and to learn how to work through challenging things on their own.
This in turn is a very important part of preparing them for exams. Whether we like it or not, this is how they will be judged on leaving school!
It gives students an opportunity to engage in self-regulation by them learning to inhibit distractions, use strategies complete work independently, manage time, set goals and self-reflect on their performance.


What do we expect?

At OSA students should expect to do some homework per night Monday – Friday. The exact amount will depend on their year group.
Students within Year 7 should receive at least 30 minutes of homework each evening, students in Years 8 and 9 should receive at least 40 minutes of homework. In addition to this, all students in Key Stage 3 must read for at least 20 minutes each day.

Students within Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11) should complete at least 60 minutes of homework each evening. This may be tasks set by teachers or independent revision.
Students within Key Stage 5 (Year 12-13) will be responsible for their own prep. or additional study time and this will be monitored by tutors and subject teachers but should be at least 3 hours each week for each subject studied.

The assignments will be online on Teams. Here the teachers will provide the task(s) with clear instructions and any support materials the students should need.
These assignments will also tell them when the work is due to be handed in. It is very important they learn to meet these deadlines.
We expect students to check their Teams assignments every day as soon as they get home from school and to complete the tasks in order of priority – fully and to the highest standard they can.


How you can support?

    You can help your child to be successful in their Home learning by:

  • ensuring they are able to check their Teams (a phone app is also available), check with them where possible;
  • making sure they can sit at a table and in a quiet room;
  • making sure distractions are avoided – remove mobile phones (unless needed for viewing the assignments on Teams), televisions off, no social media checking, do not allow younger siblings to be a distraction;
  • encouraging them to have all books, resources and equipment they will need on the table in front of them
  • encouraging them to read every word of the instructions carefully, think back to what they were learning in the lesson and use this
  • encouraging THEM to pack their bag for the next day checking everything they need against their timetable
  • remembering it is their work not yours!


What to do in case of difficulties

  • students should see the teacher as soon as possible and get further support/guidance
  • it is essential that they then complete the task – building resilience is very important
  • they can ask their tutor to refer them to the Head of Year or Faculty Leader who can offer specific and personalised support